The Town of Kyle is centered in heavy, rich farm land on Highway #4, halfway between Highway #1 and #7. Until 1923, when the railway came, it was known as Kyleville. The district was named after Jerry Kyle, whom the post office was named after.
Some of the first businesses were a cafe run by Wing Fong and a grocery store owned by Burt Heatherington. In 1924, the Royal Bank was built and Kyle had its first sports day. 10 acres of land were purchased in 1926 for a nuisance ground when Kyle became a village. To accommodate growing numbers, the first school was built, the Kyle Curling Club was organized, and the speed limit was set at 10 miles an hour. June 1st, 1931 the first fire brigade was formed.
Between 1944 and 1952, the town records are missing for some unknown reason. During this time, the Kyle-White Bear Hospital was built, as well as the Kyle Memorial Skating Rink. The telephone office was moved from White Bear to Kyle and SaskPower supplied the town with electricity. In 1955, a house was purchased for the R.C.M.P to move into and 22 acres of land were purchased for a new sports ground. The Kyle Composite High School was built on the old sports ground in 1958. Kyle became a town in 1958.
In this new era, a sewage system was constructed, the nuisance ground was moved, artificial ice was installed, and the present building was widened to accommodate three sheets of ice. Water works were installed in 1963 by the Borger Brothers after a town of vote of 118 for and 1 opposed. A new drug store was built and the old one became the doctor’s office. Then the Kyle Credit Union put up a new building and their former office became the doctor’s office. A new post office was build in 1962, and the airstrip in 1964. 1966 saw a new brick fire hall erected and the town and adjoining municipality joining to operate the Clearwater Lake Regional Resort. The Memorial Skating Rink was expanded and the Wheatland Regional Library opened in the back room of the Town Office in 1967. In 1968, Sunday Sport was authorized and licensed restaurants and cocktail rooms were approved. Also, the R.C.M.P was hired to police the town. In 1977, Southview Apartments were put up to meet the needs of the senior population of the area.
In the 1980s decade, the Kyle and District Health Centre opened a nine-bed hospital and twelve-bed Special Care unit. Sask. Housing added ten 2-bedroom units, a lounge, and four three-bedroom units to the Southview Apartments. In 1982, the Credit Union building became the town office. The Kyle Community Sports Centre opened. The Kyle Composite School had an addition, renovations to classrooms, and the construction of a new gymnasium completed in 1987. A new library was constructed in 1988. In 1989, the old hospital was demolished and the new airport was opened. The 1980s also saw the creation of “Wally the Woolly Mammoth” in Woolly Mammoth Park.
With the drop in population in the 1990s, Kyle lost its SaskPower District Operator, Crop Insurance office, and district Home Care office. The hospital lost its care services with the formation of Health Districts. Ten businesses with six commercial buildings or structures demolished or moved out, along with seven residential buildings were lost. However, six existing businesses built new facilities or expanded present ones and the town gained eight new businesses. In 1996, three trailer sites with electrical hookups were set up in Woolly Mammoth Park, and in 1999, portable bathroom facilities were added for the summer travelers, hunters, and fisherman. In 1997, the old nurses’ residence was turned into the Kyle Museum.
The tourism in the town of Kyle is rapidly becoming a big industry. With the regional and provincial parks so close, the town has many attractions today including their own rodeo, Walleye Tournaments, and famous dining, especially the White Bear Hotel.